Hohepa Homes

At Hohepa we support people with an intellectual disabilities to celebrate their diverse ways of being human. We do this by providing a supportive community that validates who they are. Through living, working and taking an active part in community life, the people we support grow to experience satisfying lives with as much independence as possible. What does Hōhepa wish to achieve? At the heart of it, Hōhepa is there to create opportunities for people with disabilities to live a full life and find a valued place in society. Our ethos is based on the freedom and dignity of the individual, ensuring that every person we support has the opportunity to have a life fully lived. Like the Freemasons, the promotion of universal and lasting happiness for all people is of top priority to us. Who does Hōhepa work with? The term ‘intellectual disability’ encompasses a range of lifelong conditions present since birth, often due to genetic or chromosomal factors, which have no cure. The people we support may have Down’s Syndrome or Global Development Delay, or some other form of intellectual disability. They may also have related conditions outside of the diagnosed intellectual disability, which have additional social or physical implications, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, epilepsy, or mobility issues. We also support people who develop dementia, which occurs more commonly in people with an intellectual disability. Freemasony makes the difference While we are over halfway to our target, we need a final push to ensure these houses are a reality for 12 more adults with intellectual disabilities. We asked for the support of the Freemasons to partially cover the cost of bricks, mortar and labour so that the literal building blocks of these homes can be put in place. The total cost of the blockwork and brickwork is $71,737 excl GST and we have applied to various grant funders for over half of this amount already. The district has made a substantial amount for this and will conduct 2 events to raise further donations.