Meets at Canterbury Freemason Centre 9 Shirley Road, Shirley, CHRISTCHURCH
Meets 4th Wednesday, February, April, June, October
The installation date is 4th Tuesday, August
Canterbury Royal Arch Chapter
Met Masonic Hall Frank Street Papanui. 24 Jul 1997, Idris Road Lodge Rooms 29 October 2009 until Christchurch Earthquake February 2011 then Church of the Resurrection, Rolleston from 27 April 2011 until 26 April 2012 moving to the Ferrymead Masonic Centre on 26 July 2012 until February 2019 when the Chapter moved to its present home at Ferrymead.
The Chapter was part of the District Grand Chapter of South Island New Zealand but on the retirement of E Comp G.W. Rowe as Grand Superintendent E Comp R.M Taylor was appointed Grand Inspector of the Chapter 2 December 2017 and the District was placed in abeyance.
Basic history of the /Chapter :
Canterbury Royal Arch Chapter no 1048 Consecrated at Masonic Temple, Gloucester Street on 9 December 1950. First Z E comp J.D. Marks.